Saturday, March 7, 2009

As Seen on TV! Is Your Body Rusting on The Inside?

Do you know why it is important for the body to be alkaline?

My wellness business, Nutronix International, has just launched a new Infomercial for national TV.

In case the infomercial has not come to your area yet, it will air nationally on the ION Network (cable channel 49 for me) on Wed. March 11. But I wanted you to have an early heads up, and to see this 30 minute program on your own time.

Find out why your organs are rusting on the inside, and what you can do about it!

With today's economy, and the state of the health care system, an investment in healthy longevity is a good one to make. I have my own wellness revolution going. Will you join me?

Go to see the infomercial at